IV. The
Remaking’s ‘HEALING
FIREWORKS’ as summed up by 'fireworks'
pundits in eight famous examples (51-58) they claimed to
have found embedded in mj lorenzo’s famous Remaking trip
51. an utterly drastic
and immediate, previously-unplanned, total change of
life style
lorenzo, as ‘fireworks pundits’ claimed with increasing
confidence and vocal and writing volume over the years,
demonstrated again and
again in his Remaking book that to accomplish a major attitude change
of the magnitude
needed by Mortimer Lorenzo (and by Mortimer more than anyone
else in the world, perhaps), shocking ‘FIREWORKS’
of all kinds had been most necessary. By the time
his year-long ordeal was over, said they, Mortimer had been
subjected to a ‘soul-blitzing array of drastic measures’. And
it was impossible to argue, they maintained with furious
obstinacy, that his Remaking treatment ever could have come
off with such complete success, had every last one of these eight ‘extreme
healing fireworks’ not
been used.
of the very most
extreme fireworks, however, like lightning electrocution, the
fireworks experts did not recommend for 'general consumption'
or ‘general psychotherapeutic practice’; of course; since they
had been extremely dangerous -- and massive -- interventions.
But no knowledgeable follower of mj lorenzo could be found
from the Pacific to the
lorenzo’s eight ‘extreme healing fireworks’, they said, had
included an utterly
drastic and immediate, previously-unplanned, total
change of life style, including the designing of a
revolutionary and very individualized year-long self-treatment
program aimed at complete restructuring of personality. In
mj’s case this was his ‘remaking’ year, the whole year that
constituted the Remaking Cure trip. And within that year, more
specifically, had been included additionally the seven kinds
of 'healing fireworks' which follow:
52. electrocution by
lightning, or ‘nature’s shock therapy’
was how Dr. Lorenzo enjoyed referring to it through the years:
'nature's shock therapy'; and, scientifically speaking, its
value lay, he would say, in ‘disrupting neuronal
circuitry from previously inescapable ruts’, though this
was a type of ‘healilng fireworks’ he could not recommend for
others in general, since lightning ‘killed too many of its
53. total temporary
erasure of grey matter intellect
Intellect was the source of the repetitive self-defeating
thinking that had caused and kept feeding depression. In
other words, ‘unnatural’ intellect had created the need for
major attitude change in the first place. But erasure of
intellect was a fireworks ‘treatment method not recommended
for others’ either, due to its presumed dangerousness and a
lack of clinical knowledge as to how to bring it about
deliberately in a controlled clinical setting. Erasure of mj’s
intellect had occurred fortuitously after a combination of
traumatic physical events and no one knew exactly how to
reproduce such a thing in other people.
54. exhortative sermons
or sermon-like rants
could be either in person or on the page; and they resembled
in style and format the type which the subject, Mortimer
Lorenzo, had grown up on. Except that: such performances, for him, now had
to be revolutionary in content and punctuated with shocking
comic book expletives or street fight shouts. The shocking
juxtaposition of elements, once again, was intended to disrupt
unhealthy brain circuits. The shouting was not
appropriate for a 1970 Methodist church service in the
55. threats of death and/or
physical violence combined with messages of love
in mj’s case not because this
emotionally brutal approach was a little kindlier than
electroshock therapy, but because such a ‘mind-blowing
combination of contradictory messages’, again – hopefully –
might help shock the nervous system out of its habitual ‘sick’
electrochemical grooves into brand new channels that might be
more workable, mouldable, malleable, practicable and alive.
Use of such an extreme
form of ‘tough love’ in general had to be weighed
very carefully, however, since in many situations it might
violate laws, constitutions, peace conventions, humanitarian
rights and so forth, not to mention religious and moral
tenets. Therefore, recommending it for anyone other than mj
lorenzo, to practice on himself, became a ‘sticky wicket’, as
the ‘healing fireworks’ Remaking punditry school cautioned.
56. drastic and extreme
sexual imagery causing visual and emotional shock
as that which Jack would offer Mortimer during the winter
starting at
general, all fireworks no matter how seemingly mild had to be
very carefully and delicately designed and attuned to the
given individual. In mj lorenzo's case, they had been dictated
by the intuition and instinct of Jack, who, fortunately,
proved himself over time to be an astutely canny Remaking
executor, i.e., therapy designer.
57. actual physical roughness or even
various imaginative but not deliberately cruel forms, in order to
rearrange or realign
nervous system molecules, and especially the human body's electrochemical
ions – whether positively or negatively charged, whether
inside or outside of human animal body tissue cells – into healthier and
more natural patterns. The aim and hope being: to
jive ALL of the mind-body’s electricity with the earth’s lines
of force, let’s say, or with the force of another
natural-animal-healthy person, or with the healthy intuitive
Jack-part of one’s own personality makeup, meaning, in
short, with persons and makeups already properly aligned with
nature, especially the earth’s lines of force. Caring
passionate sex often served here too, as The Remaking would
come to show it did Mortimer when he got to
58. drastic-attitude-change
into anticipated drastic events occurring in nature or
elsewhere, for the purpose of creating future mental shock
points – such as northern Canada’s highly dramatic ‘spring
around which to construct a group of planned drastic life
changes that might hopefully disrupt nervous system circuits.
This kind of therapeutic firework could easily be recommended
for anyone needing to be shaken loose from a sick groove.
And potentially there were many
others as well. What about the winter solstice? Or either of
the equinoxes? Certain Mesoamerican peoples used planetary
alignment to set a time for planting in the spring, planting
being a change in behavior and attitude for the whole people.
And the ancient Hebrews (and modern Jews) used (and still use)
a certain meticulously defined spring lunar phase to set a
time for celebrating the Passover each year, another attitude
and behavior change intended for a whole people, not just for
one individual; and a traditional date-fixing which explains
why the modern Christian holiday of Easter has a different
date from year to year. And Easter, similarly, is designed to
be an attitude- and behavior-changer for a whole people, not
just one person; just as Christmas is; or Ramadan.
But in
a similar way, an individual could set a date or name a
holiday upon which their own personal life would change, and
could define the changes that were going to be made. Many
people have made New Year's resolutions, of course, but then
have broken them when no one was looking. For this reason, it
worked better for Mortimer that his Spring Break-Up
date-fixing, as we shall see, was tied to another person's
behavior and attitude change, Dlune's: they were going to make
a major change together,
like getting married and going on a honeymoon trip up the
Peace River. Dlune was less likely than Mortimer to renege on
that resolution; and that fact along with other planned major
reallocations of energy would help Mortimer stick to the
drastic-attitude-change, when the time came for it at spring
The date-fixing which established a connection between