Tales of Waring logo - labyrinth on
        ancient Cretan coin; mj age 7 in 1950 click here to
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a Soglow cartoon
        promoting Fred's Broadway review 'Hear Hear'

this personal gift to Fred Waring from American cartoonist Otto Soglow

is housed in the portion of the   Fred Waring’s America Collection

identified as   Fred Waring’s Cartoon Collection

 in the Pattee and Paterno Library on the campus of

Pennsylvania State University[i]









( careful )




mj lorenzo’s


Tales of Waring




( for this reason, that : )




The highest wish you can wish for

is to be able to speak

the messages of




Paul the Apostle

said in his


First Letter to the new Christians at Corinth

chapter 14, verse 1

approx. 55-57 CE

 according to the
 J. B. Phillips translation from Greek





( and yet : )






is dead

considering the state the species Man is in

      there will perhaps be caves

for ages yet

        in which his shadow will be shown



Friedrich Nietzsche


quite famously
in his


The Gay Science

1882 CE  passim






( and then this happened : )


Almost every tribe or people had used a different name for the earth-mother goddess

going practically all the way back to her biggest heyday during the Stone Age

and a different name for her son, the wine


but almost every civilization or culture had worshiped both deities

and they were almost always linked

an earth mother
and her wine-god son
who had been and/or would be
cut up in pieces and/or sacrificed in some form.


Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians
for some apparently deep and unconscious
human psychological reason

had just spent the last 56 years playing the whole thing out

right down to the gruesome sacrifice of the wine God.

Fred really HAD been as worthy of deification as his devotees had acted
and really HAD been the Wine
son of the Earth-Mother goddess
Betty Ann.



mj lorenzo

 said in his


Tales of Waring


How Important is Betty Ann?

[1]  For more on the Waring Cartoon Collection see “a note regarding the Waring Collection cartoons.”

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                Waring logo - labyrinth on ancient Cretan coin; mj age 7
                in 1950 click
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