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a look at the life & creative artifacts of mj lorenzo


volume 2 :     a look at mj’s second book      Tales of Waring


this multi-volume  ‘look’  at mj lorenzo    makes use of      an unusual literary genre      which

patch-quilts            novelistic plot suspense and action         with         among other things

imaginative biography      and      interpretive criticism      (literary & artistic & general)

while pretending as well                  to a comprehension of a fundamental and right

analysis of earth’s human culture       and       philosophy of earth’s human spirit




the present volume offers


a look at mj lorenzo’s

Tales of Waring


or:    “the manual for backsliders”    “mj’s backsliders’ manual”

as it was called by Dr. Lorenzo’s pundit following


the controversial 1981 underground bomb

(never published mainstream)

which recorded the result of

the first of young Dr. Lorenzo’s three taped 1974 interviews


 Bill Blackburn and Betty Ann McCall Blackburn


an interview which mj wrongly expected

would record for posterity their fairytale life




and Dlune’s




Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians




...please be forewarned...  


while the Blackburns’ tales of their boss Waring are adjudged to be true

other parts of the present volume regarding mj lorenzo et al may amount to

fictionalized history



B. C. Duvall

and his fictional ficto-fictal editors

most famously

and honorably


Sammy Martinez

and his sacred crew of high school, college and other


redactors, re-writers, re-doers, re-thinkers, re-organizers and regurgitators

and then there's

confronting the USA's

diabolically demented mass slaughter of innocents

and its
who sing

“ only 20,000 innocents dead so far !!!   only 17,600 more than Pearl Harbor !!! ”

“ but we have more population now !!!   300+ million so get over it please !!! ”

( “ percentage-wise it’s less slaughter of innocents than it seems !!! ” )

( “ U.S. population on December 7, 1941 was only 136.7 million !!! ” )

( “ and besides it’s so complicated to solve !!! ” )

( “ there’s so much heated disagreement over what to do !!! ” )

( “ our elected officials are SO OVERWORKED WITH MORE ESSENTIAL NATIONAL MATTERS like re-election fundraising !!! ” )



( “ yet we are truly sorry for the beastly death of your lovely innocent loved one[s] ” )

( “ ESPECIALLY YOUR   BEAUTIFUL  little  innocent  SCHOOL  CHILDREN !!! ” )

( “ your  very  own  precious  little  innocent  girl  and  little  boy “ )

little  mj,  let’s  imagine

or one of his little children or grandchildren

( “ really !!!  and truly !!! ” )


( “ but – no offense !!! – can we be sure that the diabolically demented mass slaughter of innocents or at least the diabolical [non-] response to it is not being staged ? ” )



? like a Roman coliseum show ?  we ask

after all, our diabolically demented mass slaughters and slaughterers of innocents get so much audience (on CNN, FoxCable News and other airwaves)

just like the Roman coliseum killings did


so much very stimulating emotional discussion ensues


so many American advertisers and businesses benefit


everyone in the world has seen just how many innocents can be slaughtered in 3 seconds by an AR-15

increasing its sales

they buy AR-15s to protect themselves

or they buy QUICK in case such marvelous mass-slaughter-weapons suddenly might be made illegal


so many more people watch TV on slaughter days

that much more toothpaste and insurance and medication is sold

than on an average news day


 What’s Good for Business is Good for America

as they say

What’s Good for Business is Good for America

as they say

What’s Good for Business is Good for America

as they say


of course:  U.S. Americans would never CONSCIOUSLY support mass slaughter of innocents

for money

or any other ulterior motive


unconscionable !!!

(but we might do so UN-consciously)

( has any U.S. business, for example, refused to advertise on a channel or airwave
[1] portraying and perpetuating   b l a r n e y p r o s e   p a l a v e r   regarding DDMSI Diabolically Demented Mass Slaughter of Innocents ? )

( or [2] portraying the endless ensuing highly intelligent debate thereabout which fixes nothing ? )
(which we therefore call 'just MORE blarneyprose palaver')

 ( or [3] portraying the slaughter-er’s name and life history and pathetic psychoanalytic or supposedly heroic religious or ideological reason for slaughtering ? )

( or peculiar lack of identifiable reason ? )

( over and over and over and over again ? )

( thereby legendizing the diabolical slaughter-er for ever and ever and ev-er ? )

( making him more memorable than his innocent victims ? )

( and making the [Roman-Coliseum-like] slaughter-show more engrossing ? )

( and profit-grossing ? )

( like a movie about the rebel Roman slave Spartacus who kills everybody in the arena –
or the wronged Conan-the-Barbarian who does similarly –
or some demented dehumanized American soldier in Vietnam or Iraq  --

or any of the many other diabolically demented mass slaughterers of innocents played by very popular and famous actors

all of whom have had screen-portrayable and therefore ‘understandable’ or ‘relatable’ REASONS
or EXCUSES for diabolically and dementedly mass-slaughtering innocents ? )

( ) ( )¿( ) ( )









by (we think) activist students at a high school in the U.S.A.

which the FBI will not allow us to name

but each time we erase the hacked additions

the hackers re-do the hacks


since the investigation is ongoing

we hourly identify all hacked-in additions

by RED text

(as above)

and leave them in place





Fred Waring and Betty Ann McCall in a promo photo

Fred Waring and Betty Ann McCall[1]

the relationship which was the true source of


The Big Fuss


that led to


mj lorenzo’s


second book


Tales of Waring

[1]  Photo (slightly damaged; and also watermarked) from around 1965, a few years after Betty Ann first joined The Pennsylvanians and became Fred’s biggest star, the core of his orchestra, his stage centerpiece, and his very intimate personal friend. This photo was available for purchase in 2018-19 from Amazon.com, without the overlying watermarks. https://goo.gl/images/ex4di8. It appears that originally it was produced by the William Morris Agency, who at that time were the managers for Fred Waring and the Pennsylvanians. Fred – and William Morris – would have likely used the photo to promote the notion that Fred’s creativity had not waned and that he was still, in his 60s, attracting high class talent (and beauty) to his Pennsylvanians. It was used, for instance, in a Billboard front-page article announcing Betty Ann’s addition to the Organization. Usually such a promo photo would have shown the new artist alone. The fact that Fred wanted to promote Betty Ann as being AT HIS SIDE, however, sent an entirely extra message, having to do with sexy style, youthfulness (despite his white hair), and a hundred subliminal unconscious hooks Fred knew would work on his U. S. American audience from coast to coast, the aging live audiences he was trying to attract to his live concerts as he toured the country nearly year-round, every single year from the 1950s to the 1980s, hitting every sizable town in the Middle America Encyclopedia. The stunt was successful and he won the prize for the biggest live box-office draw in the USA, year after year. The auditoria in which the Pennsylvanians performed were large and packed; partly because, during a number of those years, Fred’s excellent Promotions Man was Bill Blackburn – who later married Betty Ann, Fred's most essential star (and moon) in those later years, thereby creating by the marriage a host of reactions in poor disgruntled Fred Waring. And THAT... and its repercussions... would become only ONE of the concerns of mj lorenzo's Tales of Waring; and years later, too, ever so respectfully, of the present work, our 'look at mj lorenzo's second book Tales of Waring'.

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