a look at the life & creative artifacts of mj lorenzo
experience how
we look at the
drop-out psych (-o?) intern mj
lorenzo's f i r s t ( 1970-71
) (
whoppingly illustrated )b o o k ( his
most philosophical ) : The Remaking* starting
from its famous Blue Buick
crack-up frontispiece
his f o u r t h
( 1985 ) ( beautifully
illustrated )b
o o k
( the only one of his
monster-creations to make it to
Broadway and Hollywood so far ) : Exactly HowMrs.
Nixon's LegsSaved The
White House Christmas Concert*
or his e l e v e n t h( even
more lavishly illustrated )b o o k : Hooked onCocaland* about the
sensuous trip to Colombia which cured the Dr.'s 1992-94
psychotic depression
or why not follow ( at your
own risk ) one of
Dr. Lorenzo's
M e x i c a n p i c t
u r e s t o r i e s *
( tales of Mexico as he
experienced it told by words
embedded in images )
1. a trip with Our Lady
& Lord
& The Tin Can
the doc & the caged birds & free flying birds &
flowers & people, churches, horses, pigs, volcanoes &
tin cans of earthy, normal everyday Mexico *
2. Peau Light Lee (not so politely) *
[ still under construction along with other
Mexican picture stories ]
3. The Tlahualiles
of Sahuayo
any part or all of
which may have been madeup .
( please be forewarned )
why not meet the author himself of this
fictional world
B. C. Duvall
through a recent image-heavy newsletter about his mother's
German ancestry
( those smart 18th-and-19th-century emigrees to America who
saved BCD from Nazi-fck-ation )
( no part of which is made up ) : The
Chockawhoppin Post: Uncle Eddie's
Autobiography Vol. 2015 No. 1 November 26,
2015 Thanksgiving
or try
our penultimate ( 2019 ) addition to this
our look at
young Dr. mj's s e c o n d ( 1981 ) ( controversial
though published only underground ) b o o k Tales of
about a fairy tale gone awry:
a trip to Hell via the Cretan labyrinth
( drugged? ) ( or quagmire-goulashed? ) ( or
subliminally CIA-vibrated? )
( or could it be - ordinary everyday? )
~~ MIND ~~
of the
20th-21st Century's Highly
Healing Global Culture Hero mj
( profusely
illustrated in part by old cartoons
from some of America's most honored 20th-century
preserved in the Waring Collection at Pennsylvania State
University )
or we just received a
2021 knockerooo we've barely
had time to 'look at'
straight from Dr. Lorenzo's hurt and angry
78-year-old hip and healer's healing heart
with little editorial comment from us
** Portions of this website may be downloaded, preserved or
shared at no cost whatsoever
to the original recipient or subsequently derived recipients
as long as detailed and accurate credit
the author and owner (Bruce Crawford Duvall) and
downloading, preserving, and sharing . The
preceding copyright and sharing information must be included with
all downloading, preserving, sharing, and subsequently derived
Use of material from this website constitutes agreement with these
"Fear not, but speak as it
is borne in upon you from heaven."
Homer, Iliad (I:84)
"I come from heaven, if you will hear me, to bid you stay your
anger... Cease, then, this brawling..."
Homer, Iliad (I:206)
"My son, why are you weeping? What is it that grieves you? Keep
it not from me, but tell me, that you and the gods may know it
Homer, Iliad (I:362) _____________________________________________________ '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''
That I may publish with the voice of thanksgiving, and tell of
all thy wondrous works.***
Praise is becoming to the upright.
"You are the world's light it is impossible to hide a town
built on the top of a hill. Men do not light a lamp and
put it under a bucket. They put it on a lamp-stand and it
gives light for everybody in the house.
"Let your light shine like that in the sight of men. Let
them see the good things you do and praise your Father in
*** Psalm 26:7 King James version
Psalm 33:1 New American Standard Bible
Matthew 5:14-16 Phillips' translation
from Greek
feature April 2017: