chapter two
the Legs pundits'
derived therefrom (and therefor)
[ no photo here – mj
in (pot)
t-shirt is below ]
1. The Legs pundits' point number one: The Remaking.
Mj lorenzo’s first book, The Remaking, as
top-notch Legs
interpreters carried on about it, forever rendering their
‘culture hero’ such astonishing devotion, was his greatest book without
dispute. They felt that even if their favorite doctor of
contemporary and eternal wisdom should manage to get out one
more book as they spoke, no book of mj lorenzo’s,
or any other writer’s, could EVER equal The
Remaking in depth and breadth and philosophic worth and
beauty, or in its ability to impact humanity and change the
way the human race did things; an ability which already by the
second decade of the twenty-first century had become
measurably immense (as they all said, every one).
For as mj’s pundits agreed – every one of them
virtually – the 'psychological philosophy' contained in The Remaking was
‘every bit as comprehensive, cohesive and coercive as Kant’s
or Hegel’s’; ‘and more
brilliant’ too, because more practical and earthy.
unfortunately, though it had provided a lifetime of
direction for hundreds of thousands of hitherto lost and
desperate people, including the Legs pundits
themselves, it ‘had not calmed its own author’s own
super-creative mind for ANY MORE THAN FIVE SECONDS’, for some
reason, as they liked to exaggerate irreverently. Dr. Lorenzo
had gone right on writing
and producing ‘more crazy shit’ after The Remaking
therefore; as their four-point outline of mj lorenzo’s first
four books insisted their audiences all around the globe
2. The Legs pundits' point number two: Tales of Waring.
Mj’s second book, Tales of Waring, ‘THEREFORE’, as Legs
pundits railed and raved, had been ‘a NIGHTMARE for everyone
in the world to read, plain and simple’. It had been a
nightmare for the author to write, as he had always said
openly; and it had been SUCH a nightmare for his followers to
accept, that his very
own most ardent devotees (even including some Legs
pundits at times) had abandoned him because of it, making it a
nightmare in that respect as well. His worldwide following had
splintered disastrously as soon as they had seen it.
And since mj
lorenzo’s own self-confessed reason for being in the world was
to save the human race
from destroying itself, the Legs
pundits felt forced to conclude, looking back from their wise
retrospect, that by the end of the author’s second book, at
least one ESSENTIAL ingredient was STILL missing from his
sought-after formula for saving humanity; and that was: a very simple
sub-formula by which he could calm his own crazy mind.
For, it was hardly
possible, as Legs
pundits said (and his most detracting critics agreed, of
course), that mj lorenzo might save humanity from
self-annihilation by providing it with a formula for doing so
like the one in The Remaking: if he was not going to
use the formula himself year in and year out to satisfy
and calm his own crazy mind.
And so – as they
thought should be equally apparent to everyone else – the
great mj lorenzo, even still, after writing his second great book, Tales of Waring, was
still in need of serious
help. And that was, as they said:
a pickle
for the planet
to be in
when a mind was on the loose
as imaginative
and phantasmagoria-brewing
as mj lorenzo’s
pundits' point number
three: Grandfather’s Tomahawk.
Mj’s little
known third book
Grandfather's Tomahawk
other tales
the last great Huron storyteller
the last great Swedish-American
Band blonde bomb
madonna-orphan storyteller
fascinating, colorful and educative in some ways’, had been an
‘even greater nightmare’ than his second book; for it had
presented an interview with the Blackburns that had gone ‘much
more out of control’ than the Tales of Waring
interview. It ‘proved’ to anyone who read it, Legs
pundits claimed, that mj lorenzo was ‘mentally out of control
himself’ during most of the summer of 1974, and ‘did not know
how to calm his own mind or anyone else’s’,
despite the fact he was a psychiatrist; and a
writer; BOTH; and
had completed his famed world-changing Remaking trip only
three years before; AND even
claimed to be ‘saving humanity from physically destroying
4. The Legs pundits' point number four:
Exactly How Mrs. Nixon’s Legs
Saved the White House Christmas Concert.
Mj’s fourth book,
however, Exactly How
Mrs. Nixon’s Legs Saved the White House Christmas Concert,
revealed that finally
the author had found a
way for everybody
including himself to calm down RIGHT NOW, as the Legs
pundits harped forever. And so he was, as of the fall of 1974,
finally now a
little better qualified, they said, to promote a program for
universal peace like his own much-touted ‘Remaking
program for universal balance and peace’.
The Remaking, as they reminded,
portrayed a method for decreasing
dangerous hyperpolarization
anywhere it might be found in the world, so as to balance
human energies universally and achieve universal peace. It was
a new way of living and thinking which took some time to
learn, unfortunately, and required staying calm enough in the
meantime so as to consider its principles thoughtfully and
learn how to make them part of one’s life.
Maybe mj lorenzo’s
OWN ‘remaking of himself’ could ‘resume apace’, they joked,
now that mj had ‘learned from his Guru Garland how to quiet
his own crazy mind enough to consider practicing his very own brilliant
And then: these outrageous Legs
pundits, in speaking engagements around the world, after
establishing the essential truthfulness (however outrageous)
of these four points to the satisfaction of their audience,
would proceed to recount ‘THE STORY OF HOW’ mj
lorenzo learned to calm his own crazy mind. They would present
THEIR FAMOUS VERSION of mj’s fourth book, Exactly How Mrs. Nixon’s
Legs Saved the White House Christmas Concert. And that
version of theirs became the standard version
and understanding of
the book and its story, the ‘General Unofficial
or ‘GUULP’ Version.
‘gulp’ version of the Dr.’s best-seller was endorsed by the
author, as he admitted much later (‘earthshakingly’, as Legs
pundits said when he did so), during a 2002 hometown interview
with one of southern
Locally Renowned and
Beloved Psychiatrist
Dr. ‘mj’ Lorenzo
Divulges Own Mental Disability
Mind-Shrinking Cure
– quoted the Dr. as
saying that the ‘gulp’ version of the story ‘…was far more complete
and accurate in its picture of what happened than my
original book’.
And so: that
universally accepted version, the author’s original, as amended
by Legs
pundits, was the one to be studied therefore; if one was to truly comprehend mj
lorenzo and his world and writing.
The GUULP version of Exactly How Mrs. Nixon’s
Legs Saved the White House Christmas Concert, accordingly,
has been the version this fourth volume of a look at the life &
creative artifacts of mj lorenzo has ‘looked’ at; and
will present – and examine – in the chapters to follow; with –
hopefully – its very best commentatoring.
And punditrizing and
punditratering (and punditraitoring).
And allude- and elude-a-catering.
If not e-(loose)- or