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( for this ‘look at’ Exactly How Mrs. Nixon’s Legs Saved the White House Christmas Concert )

which Dr. Lorenzo designed and offered

( gratis ! )    ( in 2013 )    ( just prior to publication of the present work )

because it quoted the Dr. and the President of the United States of America  ( Eisenhower )


in a way that reminded  EVERYBODY  that


had  tried  to  stop  humanity  from  annihilating  itself




[The] ...promise of this life is imperiled by the very genius that has made it possible. Nations amass wealth. Labor sweats to create – and turns out devices to level – not only mountains but also cities.


Science seems ready to confer upon us, as its final gift, the power to


erase  human  life  from  this  planet.


Dwight  David  ('Ike')  Eisenhower


Five-Star General of the United States Army (retired)

34th President of the United States


1st Inaugural Address – 20 January 1953





NOBODY likes to wake up from a nice posh dream, but SOMEBODY has to shout bloody murder truth the way Ike did.

Yet no one does.

When the Mexican mafia wants to get a painful point across, they kidnap a local cop from a dreamy silver town like Taxco as they did Wednesday, cut off his head and leave it sitting on a historical ancient bridge with a note attached, spelling out their complaint and next threat if their demands still are not met; and the Taxco daily paper covers its front page with pictures of the poor local policeman’s head from every angle, chopped off by Mexican mafia barbarians and sitting upright on concrete pavement, with a big note scrawled beside it; and sells the four-page rag for a buck in the town’s main plaza and surrounding streets, from a moving VW bug using a rooftop loudspeaker that the driver broadcasts through, excitedly, to convince Taxco that the explanatory article with pictures of the bodiless head whose grimacing round face everyone will recognize, is worth blowing ten scarce pesos on.

When mj lorenzo wants to get a painful point across, he waters it down with highly civilized humor and brotherly love, in a big fat book demanding and threatening NOTHING, and not very many people pay attention.

No politician these days screams  imminent universal finality  like Ike did at times; and writers and publishers will not face the subject either. But youyou have to admit it’s true, don’t you, just between you and me, that the human race is  this close  to blowing itself off the face of the planet and refuses to wake up to the crisis?


Dr.  Mortimer  John  (mj)  Lorenzo,  M.D.

  Writer      Graphic Artist     Psychiatrist


President of his 6th and 8th grade classes, Florence Elementary School

1st President of the Class of 1960, Florence High School, Florence, New Jersey

3rd President of the Medical Staff  (1979)

while serving humanity as psychiatrist at
Logan Mental Health Center, Denver, Colorado

(where he lived with his wife and children in the former-officers-quarters Victorian mansion

which once housed the young officer Ike Eisenhower
and which – later, for both reasons, we feel assured – was made a history museum)


email to Johannes Muhr 17 September  2007 from Taxco, State of Guerrero, México

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table of contents

catalogue of images                        brief chronology of important events

 ( related to the creation and publication of this ‘look at’ mj lorenzo’s fourth book )

glossary of musical terms                   other titles
( in this multi-volume work:  a look at the life and creative artifacts of mj lorenzo )

the Dr.'s  Thanksgiving 2013  'long letter'
( to Sammy Martinez' after-school reading club at Española High on:  Friendship with Global Neighbors )
